Saturday, March 22, 2014


I haven't really set concrete goals for awhile. I felt like everytime I set goals something out of our control would get in the way. Broken feet, jumpers taking over the barn, pneumonia, tummy aches, holidays, working too many hours..... The biggest barrier to setting tangible goals was Dickie's mental status. When you have a youngster you can only go as fast as they can handle. Bre came to me with plently of issues but that mares brain has always focused like a lazer. She was too serious for her own good. Dickie on the other hand thinks life is a party and if his people don't keep things fun he ain't playin'. He couldn't even be bothered with walking on a lead rope if something more entertaining came along. 

Long story short Dickie's brain is grown up enough that he improves with each ride. Even when I factor in baby brained back slides we are still moving steadily forward. So when my friend mentioned she is heading to the Inavale one day schooling horse trials I said I would tag along. It is the end of May  and there is a 2'0' class. He lifts himself that high in a canter. And if we decided to just do dressage and scratch the jumping it will get us out and about. Her horse is this calm young OTTB who travels like a dream. He would be the perfect partner for Dickie. 

Soooo May 31st and June 1st we will be heading down to Inavale for some fun (hopefully in the sun). I bet I will run into a few of you down there. 


  1. Cool! I may be out there with Tarra and Mystic. :)

  2. Woo hoo! Go Dickie! They grow up so fast. :P

    1. I wonder where his baby face went. I can't believe it is coming up on two years since he came home. He's an old man!!

  3. So exciting!!!! I can't wait to read all about it and I hope you have someone lined up to take pictures/video. :D

    1. I hope I will have someone handy for videos. Any shows I go to will be a few hours away from home so I am not sure who will be able to come other that friends on horses.
