Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mostly Wordless Wednesday

Showing Mom he can ground tie when he feels like it. 

Showing me his disgust by being forced to stand still by refusing eye contact. 

Putting on his most majestic grown up pony face. 


I can't believe how shiny he is despite my poor grooming practices.

Getting up from a good roll session. Notice he got up with a mouth full. He likes to roll and stop for bites.

Shiny horse, sun, tall grass, perfect way to spend the evening. 

Nom Nom Nom

I would leave the grass to come see you but I stepped on my lead rope. 

Please don't put me back in the pasture. The grass is so much greener here. 


  1. He is so handsome!! I never noticed the spots on his butt, how cute!

  2. oh he has the cutest face! how can you resist?

  3. Good grief that grass is tall!! He is so gorgeous! I love when you post pictures of him. :D
